Monday, March 26, 2012

The Curious Thoughts Of Omar Michael McCray

The pitch and scene was black, no ventilation to breathe... Every day was night...time was timeless... But before that time I was secluded. Held in a one solitary position, their were psalms being sung, words upon words expressed past reflections of me... Fainted weeps and Mary crying reclining the thoughts of never seeing the light of day... Stain glass surrounds me, the choir sings... I am brought into a lifeless room. People then try to revive me... Succumbing to a bright light that impairs my vision. I see hands reaching out to me and distant voices becoming more and fainter. Upon my arrival to such a place...I was embraced with cold chills and ominous scents of rancid horror. I drift, I drift... I am drifting. I took that chance on that flight, my might got the best of me, and I saved a soul while risking my own... Drift farther to a time of adolescence i was care free. Times of blue skies… I left my yesterdays behind to gain focus on today for my future tomorrows. The sorrow of the past casts a spell on my aura... I forgot my path and was found in a lost world. In my younger memory, foggy drizzled thoughts...cascading amidst my faults and swimming in my triumphs, I develop slowly, covered up my drive with my mask of unconventional potential...I lost my one and only desire. Now as I lie in a bed that was once upon a time made for me, I cried for attention, I wailed for milk from the nectar of my mother's bosom. Drifting...drifting...I am awaiting my interpretation of reasoning...I see no color just shades of grey...the shades turn to black... Where vision once was...a baby is born...

Write To Make it Right!

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