Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Theory of Right and Wrong

The Theory of Right and Wrong

To do what is right I must think of wrong as it has always thought of me. The methods to my madness, the somber in my sadness has brought out the ray of sun in my smile. Dare walk a mile in the shoes I bare, spare time in the life I share…think of me as wrong as I ponder what is right. I will be just a mere figment of my own imagination, while I am asleep, sound and resounded in the air of clouds and fog. I walk the path of right and wrong; I glance at chance and see the soothsayer of the far path of random thought…ahh the thought of the random, allow them to scurry in a hurry while in the twilight of their night. The patience of apathy captures me…the clueless foundation that is found, I surround myself with all that is wrong, but I choose to disregard it, in the midst of what RIGHT is, my might won’t allow me to succumb to the refuge of your veraciousness. Do I, can I, and was it RIGHT to be LEFT behind a culture that shuns the theory of right and wrong…or was it wrong to be right in theory…

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